Lexer Modification

When the lexer is already created, sometimes it may be necessary to modify it. Phplrt provides an imperative interface for controlling the behavior of the lexer after it instantiating.

Adding New Tokens

It is worth remembering that the order of determining tokens in a lexer affects its logic. Therefore, to add new tokens, there are methods for adding a new token to the beginning (prepend) or end (append) of the token definitions list.



$lexer = new \Phplrt\Lexer\Lexer(['T_INT' => '\d+']);

$lexer->append('T_FLOAT', '\d+\.\d+');

// Expected Token Definitions:
// [
//     'T_INT' => '\d+',
//     'T_FLOAT' => '\d+\.\d+',
// ]

This is incorrect behavior because any numbers will be determined primarily as T_INT.

foreach ($lexer->lex('42.0') as $i => $token) {
    echo $i . ' => ' . $token . "\n";

// Expected Output:
// 0 => "42" (T_INT)
// 1 => Error

 Syntax error, unrecognized "."
  1. | 42.0
     |   ^ in .../Lexer/src/Exception/UnrecognizedTokenException.php:40


In this case, we needed to use the prepend method.


$lexer = new \Phplrt\Lexer\Lexer(['T_INT' => '\d+']);

$lexer->prepend('T_FLOAT', '\d+\.\d+');

// Expected Token Definitions:
// [
//     'T_FLOAT' => '\d+\.\d+',
//     'T_INT' => '\d+',
// ]
foreach ($lexer->lex('42.0') as $i => $token) {
    echo $i . ' => ' . $token . "\n";

// Expected Output:
// 0 => "42.0" (T_FLOAT)
// 1 => \0

Append Many

In the case when you need to add several new tokens to the end, you can use the appendMany method.

$lexer = new \Phplrt\Lexer\Lexer(['T_WHITESPACE' => '\s+']);

    'T_FLOAT' => '\d+\.\d+',
    'T_INT'   => '\d+',

// Expected Token Definitions:
// [
//     'T_WHITESPACE' => '\s+',
//     'T_FLOAT' => '\d+\.\d+',
//     'T_INT' => '\d+',
// ]

Prepend Many

In the case when you need to add several new tokens to the end, you can use the appendMany method.

$lexer = new \Phplrt\Lexer\Lexer(['T_WHITESPACE' => '\s+']);

    'T_INT'   => '\d+',
    'T_FLOAT' => '\d+\.\d+',

// Expected Token Definitions:
// [
//     'T_INT' => '\d+',
//     'T_FLOAT' => '\d+\.\d+',
//     'T_WHITESPACE' => '\s+',
// ]

Please note that the entire list was added to the beginning, and not each of the tokens. In case for each of the transferred tokens to be added to the beginning, the second argument of the prependMany method should be specified

$lexer = new \Phplrt\Lexer\Lexer(['T_WHITESPACE' => '\s+']);

    'T_INT'   => '\d+',
    'T_FLOAT' => '\d+\.\d+',

// Expected Token Definitions:
// [
//     'T_FLOAT' => '\d+\.\d+',
//     'T_INT' => '\d+',
//     'T_WHITESPACE' => '\s+',
// ]

Removing Tokens

In addition to adding tokens, it is possible to delete old.


In case to delete a previously registered token, you need to call the remove(string ...$tokens) method.

$lexer = new \Phplrt\Lexer\Lexer([
    'T_WHITESPACE' => '\s+',
    'T_FLOAT'      => '\d+\.\d+',
    'T_INT'        => '\d+',

$lexer->remove('T_FLOAT', 'T_INT');

T_FLOAT and T_INT tokens will be removed from the lexer and as a result will remain there.

    'T_WHITESPACE' => '\s+',